
We can build your tools or jigs by machining and welding Tig or Mig. Parts can be small in size or up to 20 tons.

To meet the growing needs of its customers, ACTI initially worked, and now is linked with an association to UNIO (Romania) to ensure the production of parts requiring mechanical welded structures of large sizes, machining to final assembly.

Thanks to this approach based on the work of our team we can offer:

  • The manufacture of mechanical welded structures for the automotive industry, shipbuilding, metallurgy, energy, environment, inclusive machining and assembly of mechanical, electrical, hydraulics and pneumatics, the control with CMM machines.
  • The finished products have an average weight of more than 5ton like drums for cables, winches, crane and other equipment for the shipbuilding industry; technological lines for metallurgy, mining, automobile, aeronautics; mounts and brackets (We work sheets from 20mm to 170mm in thickness, weight ranging from 5 to 36 tons.)
  • The high-precision milling (Diameter 100mm to 500mm, max weight: 16ton, max length: 8000mm)
  • Gear wheels and gearboxes casings (Teeth: cylindrical exterior / interior and helical module 0,5-30mm, diameter from 100mm to 5000mm, grinding: max diameter 1250mm, max 25mm module)
  • Tanks and containers under pressure
  • Belt conveyors Rollers and drums
  • Dimensional control MMT machines